Formalistic Explorations: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Poems by William Wordsworth and Daud Kamal.


Muhammad Asif
Hassan Javed


This research article presents a comparative formalist analysis of selected poems by William Wordsworth, a prominent figure of the Romantic era, and Daud Kamal, a contemporary poet writing in English and Urdu. The analysis explores the structural and rhythmic elements, lexical and syntactic choices, thematic preoccupations, and the cultural contexts that shape the distinct poetic styles of these two poets. Through this comparative study, we gain insight into how formalistic aspects and thematic concerns evolve across different literary periods, highlighting the enduring relevance of poetry as a medium of artistic expression.


Author Biographies

Muhammad Asif, National University of Modern Langauages

MPhil Scholar National University of Modern Languages

Hassan Javed, National University of Modern Langauages

MPhil Scholar National University of Modern Languages

How to Cite
Muhammad Asif, & Hassan Javed. (2024). Formalistic Explorations: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Poems by William Wordsworth and Daud Kamal. Al-Qirtas, 3(1), 85-104. Retrieved from