A Critical Review of the Editing and Interpretation of the Letters of Mirza Ghalib مکاتیبِ غالب کی تدوین وتفہیم کا انتقادی جائزہ Section Articles


Dr. Syeda Attia Khalid
Mohsin Khalid Mohsin


Mirza Ghalib is a master poet and nisar of the Urdu language. His poetry is full of all the elements of expression and innovation. In his prose, all the symbols and regions of the language are visible. In his letters, Mirza Ghalib completely changed the letter writing tradition, language, and style, and the result was that the letter took the form of a dialogue. This paper is an initial attempt to evaluate all the efforts of the compilers and authors in the context of editing and understanding the schools of Mirza Ghalib in view of scholarly criticism, which will reveal the technical importance of Mirza Ghalib's letters. will be seen as an important addition to the tradition.

Keywords: Mirza Ghalib, Ghalib's letters, style, Urdu language, Malik Ram, Maulana Imtiaz Ali Arshi, Ghulam Rasool Maher, Khaliq Anjum, Oud-e-Hindi, Farhang-i-Ghaleeb, Muhammad Shahi Rush, Sheikh Muhammad Ikram, letter tradition, Mughal Empire


How to Cite
Dr. Syeda Attia Khalid, & Mohsin Khalid Mohsin. (2024). A Critical Review of the Editing and Interpretation of the Letters of Mirza Ghalib: مکاتیبِ غالب کی تدوین وتفہیم کا انتقادی جائزہ. Al-Qirtas, 3(1), 205-210. Retrieved from http://al-qirtas.com/index.php/Al-Qirtas/article/view/248