Things That Students Majoring in English and Literature Read in This Day and Age


Asad Khattak


This research aims to investigate the reading interests and worldviews of current students studying English Language and Literature at Ataturk University. Our secondary goal is to investigate the impact of different multimedia resources, such as the internet, on readers' development. Seventy-six individuals were chosen at random to partake in the survey, aiming to gather extensive information about the reading behaviors of current university students. The poll consisted of six sections: online activities, reading material, reading habits, online reading habits, and strategies for cultivating reading habits. SPSS Statistics 20 was used for data analysis. It is crucial to promote reading among college students in the present era of technological advancements. Following a comprehensive investigation into students' reading habits, the researcher provided recommendations.

Keywords: e-books, technology-assisted reading, reading routines, the value of reading, and making reading a habit


How to Cite
Asad Khattak. (2024). Things That Students Majoring in English and Literature Read in This Day and Age. Al-Qirtas, 2(2), 1-8. Retrieved from