There Are Four Challenges That Hinder the Accountability of Public Leaders in The Contemporary Era, Drawing Insights from China and The United States.


  • Sher Shah Lecturer at University of Kohat


This study investigates the impact of recent advancements and changes in public administration on accountability in the United States and China, using the Romzek-Dubnick typology as a foundation. The writers specifically examine the challenges of maintaining legal obligations, safeguarding administrative objectives unrelated to missions, promoting public principles, and retaining hierarchical power. The authors demonstrate how changes, particularly those related to outsourcing and results oriented, can have varying effects in the United States and China due to their unique political and legal frameworks. Presently accessible data provides empirical support for current theories in public administration. This evidence supports the assertions that the interaction between politics and the law has a substantial impact on the process of reform. In addition, it is evident that various nations may employ distinct approaches to address the administrative challenges they encounter.

Keywords: New public management, accountability, administrative reform, public ideals, and shared goals




How to Cite

Sher Shah. (2024). There Are Four Challenges That Hinder the Accountability of Public Leaders in The Contemporary Era, Drawing Insights from China and The United States. Al-Qirtas, 1(1), 28–38. Retrieved from