How Do Currently Employed Home Economics Teachers Feel About Incorporating Teachings on Sustainability into Their Curricula?
The major objective of home economics is to advocate for sustainable development, which is crucial for the survival of present and future generations. The researchers aimed to assess the proficiency of home economics teachers in identifying chances to integrate sustainable development principles into their courses. Additionally, they sought to determine the most effective sustainable development themes that may be incorporated into home economics classrooms. The data was obtained from a survey that involved 89 randomly selected home economics instructors from Slovenia, who were chosen as a representative sample of the population. The selection of these professors was not made impulsively. Prior to analysis, the findings underwent qualitative and quantitative reviews. The study's findings indicate that home economics teachers who are currently employed in the sector recognise the significance of their courses in promoting sustainable development education. There is a common perception that commercial firms and the textile industry have fewer opportunities to adopt environmentally responsible practices compared to the food production and residential construction sectors. This is apparent from the current educational system's sustainability curricula, which prioritise the methods of maintaining and improving living conditions. The study's findings indicate that current home economics teachers should have unfettered opportunities for ongoing professional development. In order to integrate sustainable development into their home economics teachings, it is essential for them to acquire expertise in these fields. Due to the numerous possibilities for educating youngsters about sustainable living, it is imperative to modify the curriculum. The importance of this issue is increasing.
Keywords: teaching home economics, sustainable development, and how to teach for sustainable development