Resolving Orientalists' Illogical Inquiries about Hadiths in a Logical Manner


Hafiz Tariq Hassan


This article endeavors to provide a solution to the problem of Orientalist opuses which challenge the Hadith compilation accuracy in the field of Islamic scholarship. Orientalism is a term used by western scholars to describe various works they have produced over different periods of time which depict Islam and its traditions solely from a colonial perspective. The central theme of this article revolves around the naturalness of some people's arguments of convenience among Orientalists that does clearly invalidate Hadith, the encapsulation of the traditions linked to the Prophet Muhammad. The author of this article takes the logic of the reasoning pathway, aiming to deny and show the truth of criticisms by the use of a deeper and precise understanding of Hadith scholarship. It analyses the Orientalist arguments typically cited, like taking the late compilation period of Hadith or complicatedness of narrations attributed to the potential of political bias. In conclusion, article clearly positions the backdrop of Islamic congregations against the presented counter-arguments. This authenticity criterion is the object of this study. It is worth noting that he explains in detail the scientific approach of authentic hadith’s transmission. It is pointed out that the right understanding of Hadith requires the person to know historical context and the Hadith collections that are compiled are consistently in internal manner. Humanize: Through taking their arguments into consideration with some sense of logicalness, the issue tries to demonstrate the source of Islamic information from Hadith. It reaffirms the relevance of studying attacks as those based on constructive criticism and those stemming from illogical actions towards Islam. By the end, this method opens up the Hadith's mysteries for us and reveals its significance in Islamic scholarship.

Keywords: Orientalist Critiques, Hadith Authenticity, Logical Manner, Islamic Traditions


How to Cite
Hafiz Tariq Hassan. (2024). Resolving Orientalists’ Illogical Inquiries about Hadiths in a Logical Manner. Al-Qirtas, 3(2), 159-165. Retrieved from