Power-Security Nexus: Russia’s Strategic Involvement in The Syrian Crisis


Akif Ali Hayat
Sumaiya Naz
Munazza Khalid
Muhammad Behram Zia Khan Dawar


Russian intervention in an important event that needs to be analyzed through the lens of offensive realism. This research is carried out to understand as to why Russia intervened in Syria and what were its regional and global repercussions. The purpose was to assess whether Russia achieved its objectives or not. Qualitative approach was used while conducting this research. The data was secondary data and, upon gathering the data, content analysis was used to analyse that data. The findings that were gotten were that that the Russia intervened in Syria because it wanted to assert itself in the Middle East. Russia had to protect its interests and counteract the US influence in the region. It was strategic decision that Russia took to further its interests in the region. Finally, this research gives us an accurate understanding of the Russian intervention in Syria by applying the IR theory of Offensive realism.

Keywords: Russia, Syria, Offensive Realism, Power, Middle East, Intervention


How to Cite
Akif Ali Hayat, Sumaiya Naz, Munazza Khalid, & Muhammad Behram Zia Khan Dawar. (2024). Power-Security Nexus: Russia’s Strategic Involvement in The Syrian Crisis. Al-Qirtas, 3(2), 313-323. Retrieved from https://al-qirtas.com/index.php/Al-Qirtas/article/view/312