The Thoughts of Western Thinkers About Islam, an Analytical Study: 2020 - 2024 AD اسلام کے بارے میں مغربی مفکرین کے افکار،ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ : 2020 -2024 م Section Articles


Muhammad Naseer
Dr. Majid Rashid
Dr. Mazhar Hussain Bhadroo


Western thinking about Islam is characterized by a complex interplay of historical legacies, geopolitical dynamics, and sociocultural factors that continue to shape perceptions and policies in contemporary societies. The themes examined—Islam as a political ideology, Islam o phobia and securitization, interfaith dialogue and pluralism, and migration and multiculturalism—reflect the diversity of perspectives and challenges inherent in navigating cultural pluralism and religious diversity. In which highlight key moments where issues of freedom of expression, religious sensitivity, and social integration intersect, with profound implications for the balance between individual rights and collective cohesion. Moving forward, promoting respectful dialogue, fostering mutual understanding and protecting human rights is essential to addressing the complexities of Islam-West relations and promoting inclusive societies based on the principles of tolerance, respect and social justice. As global interconnectedness increases, lessons from Western thinking about Islam underscore the importance of engaging in informed, compassionate, and inclusive dialogue to address contemporary challenges and harmonious coexistence in a diverse world promote. Illustrates the complexities of Western ideas about Islam, highlighting the intersection of religion, culture, politics, and human rights in the contemporary global context. By examining these issues in detail, scholars, policymakers, and the public gain insight into the challenges and opportunities for promoting mutual understanding, respecting diversity, and promoting social cohesion in multicultural societies. Can. The very important thing of this research is that it examines the evolution and change of western attitudes and thoughts in eighty years.  The result is that the West is heavily influenced by secular movements.  Most Western philosophies arise from materialism.  The West denies the soul and the spiritual world. Einstein denied a personal God but affirmed the God of pantheism.    Philosophers like Henri Bergson seem to defend religion somewhat, but they do not make religion the subject directly.

Keywords- Thoughts, Western Thinkers, Islam, Analytical Study: 2020 - 2024 AD


How to Cite
Muhammad Naseer, Dr. Majid Rashid, & Dr. Mazhar Hussain Bhadroo. (2024). The Thoughts of Western Thinkers About Islam, an Analytical Study: 2020 - 2024 AD: اسلام کے بارے میں مغربی مفکرین کے افکار،ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ : 2020 -2024 م. Al-Qirtas, 3(2), 340-349. Retrieved from

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